I've been absent for a week now and I offer my most sincere apologies! My hard drive died...I lost a lot of files...it's been very traumatic. But I'm back!
So, Date 1 was with The Producer...he was a total waist of time. We had made plans for Thursday, Dec 8th. That never happened. He called at 7pm (we had previously agreed to meet at 6pm). I decided to give him some slack for calling late since it was his birthday...bad idea. After that initial call it was a series of text messages ending at 9pm when I just went ahead and told him never mind and that it was getting late for me since I had to work in the morning. He musta' thought he was getting some birthday sex or something...WRONG! I haven't heard from him since which is fine with me. That whole thing annoyed me. One of my expectations of men at this point is they have to put forth some effort and he most certainly did not.
Moral of the story? Just like my instinct told me, don't bother with music guys any more. For some reason, as music men hit their 30s they begin to become disillusioned into thinking they are famous or rock stars or something. The truth is, they're getting old and have no career...typically speaking. Now I know that sounds harsh but ya gotta admit, it tends to be the case more often then not. My theory is dating musicians is fine in your 20s after that no thanks.
Date 2 was with French Guy. Another date I canceled. Why you ask? He just gave me the creeps. He kept pushing to pick me up instead of meeting him. Now I don't know if this is the case but I would tend to assume men know why women request to meet you out instead of you picking them up, right? Well...gentlemen, in case you don't know, it's for safety reasons. This is not the day and age that a woman can allow herself to be picked up a total stranger. Nor is it a good idea for this stranger to know where she lives. Perhaps French Guy didn't know this, after all, he is from another country but there were other things he did that creeped me out. So I just decided to go with my instinct and cancel.
I did end up getting a hold of Guy 3, we'll call him Smarty Pants. He's very intelligent. Smarty Pants ended up inviting me out Friday night. He and his buddy were already out so I met where they were. Surprising to me, I had a wonderful time! The food was excellent, great live band inside, DJ outside. Smarty Pants was very sweet. He pulled my chair out for me, was very attentive to me the whole evening, and then walked me to my car at the end of the night. It was a great night. However, while I think he's 'good on paper' (you know, he has it all together. Good job, smart, funny, successful, educated, etc, etc.), I'm just not sure if I'm attracted to him. What I do know is that I would most certainly go out with him again if he asked and if he doesn't, well then, such is life. I'm hoping he turns into one of those guys that I'm not that attracted to at first but I grow attracted to later. We shall see.
The rest of last weekend was wonderful as well. Saturday, I went out with some girlfriends and to a local wine bar and met a man there. Somehow, we got on the topic of how I've always wanted to take salsa lessons and he said he offered to take them with me. He just text me today to let me know he did some research and found a studio that is located between where he lives and where I live. EFFORT...I likes mens that put forth effort.
The only problem now is that I need to meet two more new men so that I can keep my rotation up. I wanted 3 to 4 men that I'm seeing at all times. That's not too much to ask for, is it?
About Me

- Serial Casual Dater
- I'm just your average 35 year old woman. I'm attractive, smart, funny, strong, driven, sincere, educated, well traveled, independent, a freak in bed (you know I had to include that), etc. I’m the girl that gets asked, “Why are you still single?” And really, it’s simple. I’m single because I choose to be...and I’m attracted to emotionally unavailable men. Beginning in 2011, I’m starting a study. Instead of declining, avoiding, or ignoring men, I’m going on as many dates as possible. This blog will chronicle those experiences and then some. Follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com/SerialCasDater
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
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