SEX! I can't stop thinking about it! I think the worst time in a human life is the time right after frequent sex with a partner stops and the lull until the next time a man f*cks the sh*t out of me...OH, opps...ahhhh, who said that??
For whatever reason, the first couple of months of no sex are the absolute worst for me. It's all I can think about and it sucks (not it the literal way).
So last night, I de-virginized my blog. I let one of the men I wrote about know that the blog exists. The guy you ask? He's the friend I made out with (refer to 'Why It's Bad to Make Out With Friends & Other Knowledge'). Let's call him B.U.D.D.Y.
B.U.D.D.Y is the first and only man I plan on informing. But this is the thing, I told him about the blog before we made out and I had told him I would send him the link. He asked me about it a couple times so being he already knew, I just went ahead and fessed up. I informed B.U.D.D.Y that there was an entry about him.
I immediately went back and read it. I stated that I wanted to have sex with him *blushing*. For a moment, I thought about deleting the entry but I thought, "It's what I felt and was thinking at the time, so it stays!" The blog is all about me being honest with myself and with men, so what if I get a little embarrassed. Life will go on.
Momentary pause, B.U.D.D.Y and I joke a lot and we both tend to be sarcastic. So we kept texting each other and at the end of a text he says, "My drunk sandwiches are awesome btw," (you just had to read the whole stream of text's). At that moment, I knew he read it. After that point, a couple of borderline dirty text messages were exchanged.
So basically, between no sex and the text messages, I've been sent over the edge. Sexual frustration is the absolute worst!
About Me

- Serial Casual Dater
- I'm just your average 35 year old woman. I'm attractive, smart, funny, strong, driven, sincere, educated, well traveled, independent, a freak in bed (you know I had to include that), etc. I’m the girl that gets asked, “Why are you still single?” And really, it’s simple. I’m single because I choose to be...and I’m attracted to emotionally unavailable men. Beginning in 2011, I’m starting a study. Instead of declining, avoiding, or ignoring men, I’m going on as many dates as possible. This blog will chronicle those experiences and then some. Follow me on Twitter
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
The List of No's
Once upon a time, for a short while, I wrote for this music blog. One thing they were super big on was lists. List of venues, lists of artists, lists of clubs, lists of bars, lists of why an album sucked, and so on. If you can think of it there was a list. So in remembrance of the little blog that's not so little anymore, here's my list of the things women should walk away from.
1. Men who aren't upfront with there intentions. This is a bit tricky because really, how do you know if a man is being upfront.
2. Men that are unable or unwilling to communicate. You don't have to share everything with me but we've got to be able to communicate the things we like/dislike.
3. Men who won't wine & dine you. If a man's not willing to treat you as if you are special, it's because you're not.
4. "Come to my place and watch movies guy." He's the worst! Or perhaps I'm just a little bitter right now being I just walked away from that guy. My theory here is if he doesn't want to take you out in public, he doesn't give a damn about you. Waste of time. Next...
5. Men who won't introduce you to friends & family. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you should know his clan in the first month. But it by the third month you still haven't met anyone he knows, the red flags should be flying.
6. "Won't kiss you guy." Same as above but pisses me off even more. Before Mr. Callous, I didn't even know men like this existed. Silly me for thinking kissing was just a normal part of sex and foreplay.
1. Men who aren't upfront with there intentions. This is a bit tricky because really, how do you know if a man is being upfront.
2. Men that are unable or unwilling to communicate. You don't have to share everything with me but we've got to be able to communicate the things we like/dislike.
3. Men who won't wine & dine you. If a man's not willing to treat you as if you are special, it's because you're not.
4. "Come to my place and watch movies guy." He's the worst! Or perhaps I'm just a little bitter right now being I just walked away from that guy. My theory here is if he doesn't want to take you out in public, he doesn't give a damn about you. Waste of time. Next...
5. Men who won't introduce you to friends & family. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you should know his clan in the first month. But it by the third month you still haven't met anyone he knows, the red flags should be flying.
6. "Won't kiss you guy." Same as above but pisses me off even more. Before Mr. Callous, I didn't even know men like this existed. Silly me for thinking kissing was just a normal part of sex and foreplay.
Words of Wisdom From a Stranger
Just met this guy on Twitter. Let's call him DC. I thought DC was trying to hit on me but it turns out he is just networking (he hit me up on my personal Twitter page). We ended up chatting for a while on Messenger. Somehow we started talking about relationships, etc. He's married and decided to grace me with some knowledge.
soooooo are you looking for the right guy? 6:57 PM
The right there such a thing?? Yes, I would like to meet someone but I'm kind of working on some things first. I think I attract the wrong kind of men. Gotta work on some things on myself so that I don't do that any longer. 6:59 PM
what does that mean attract the wrong kind of men? 6:59 PM
I always end up involved with emotionally unavailable men. I just got out of something that lasted a year and a half but I knew the whole while it was going no where. 7:01 PM
Did you get into FB drama with the Mrs? lol 7:01 PM
no no drama on the facebook thing....just had a few reasons....really I just think it served its purpose I contacted a few people and that was that..... 7:03 PM
emotionally unavailable that it is a new term...explain 7:03 PM
lol 7:03 PM
let's see. 7:03 PM
oh no offense but are you caucasion or mexican? 7:04 PM
I couldn't tell in your pic 7:04 PM
See, now I'm mad...why does every dark haired girl have to be latina...I'm Armenian and Greek. 7:05 PM
I'm not really mad 7:05 PM
lol...oh ok... 7:05 PM
do you speak Greek? 7:05 PM
I used to. Can still understand it but can't jump into a convo. So are you mexican or black? I couldn't tell. 7:06 PM
black...sorry hope I didn't offend you. 7:06 PM
I am soooo playing with you!!! I tend to be a bit sarcastic and sometimes I offend people. Being that I don't know you, please let me know if I offend you. K? 7:07 PM
oh I'm ok... 7:08 PM
so were you born and raised in Houston or did you move to the US at a young age? 7:08 PM
Born in Chicago, then moved to Greece for 5 years, then to Houston. Been here ever since. Houston is no bueno 7:09 PM
ok so back to the emotionally unavailable thing? 7:11 PM
ME distracted again. Like the last guy I was seeing. He and I were friends for a few years and he would always make passes at me but we were just friends. He told me all along he's not looking for a relationship. Not sure how but there we were in it and he was always very closed off to me. He was selfish and in truth, I didn't get much from the 'relationship.' Knowing he's not looking for a relationship and not into me and me still getting involved = me picking emotionally unavailable men. 7:16 PM
Does that kind of make sense? 7:17 PM
a little 7:17 PM
sounds like he just didn't express his emotions well 7:18 PM
and you wanted a man that could express them well...or "make them available" 7:18 PM
Emotionally unavailable - usually refers to those who create barriers between themselves and others in an effort to avoid emotional intimacy.
I googled it. lol 7:19 PM
that's about 80 percent of men right? 7:20 PM
LMAO! Go my gosh...that is too funny. Well then, I'm screwed. 7:20 PM
I'm just asking....let me tell you 7:21 PM
we men do have emotions stirring up inside of us 7:21 PM
but often do not know how to share them especially if we didn't grow up expressing them. 7:22 PM
science will make it seem like we intentionally just block everything out and its not like that 7:22 PM
we are made as protectors and providers and that is our instinct to do those types of things 7:22 PM
so the things that women think about we don't think about those things 7:23 PM
or shouldn't say that 7:23 PM
the priority isn't the same 7:23 PM
soooooo are you looking for the right guy? 6:57 PM
The right there such a thing?? Yes, I would like to meet someone but I'm kind of working on some things first. I think I attract the wrong kind of men. Gotta work on some things on myself so that I don't do that any longer. 6:59 PM
what does that mean attract the wrong kind of men? 6:59 PM
I always end up involved with emotionally unavailable men. I just got out of something that lasted a year and a half but I knew the whole while it was going no where. 7:01 PM
Did you get into FB drama with the Mrs? lol 7:01 PM
no no drama on the facebook thing....just had a few reasons....really I just think it served its purpose I contacted a few people and that was that..... 7:03 PM
emotionally unavailable that it is a new term...explain 7:03 PM
lol 7:03 PM
let's see. 7:03 PM
oh no offense but are you caucasion or mexican? 7:04 PM
I couldn't tell in your pic 7:04 PM
See, now I'm mad...why does every dark haired girl have to be latina...I'm Armenian and Greek. 7:05 PM
I'm not really mad 7:05 PM
lol...oh ok... 7:05 PM
do you speak Greek? 7:05 PM
I used to. Can still understand it but can't jump into a convo. So are you mexican or black? I couldn't tell. 7:06 PM
black...sorry hope I didn't offend you. 7:06 PM
I am soooo playing with you!!! I tend to be a bit sarcastic and sometimes I offend people. Being that I don't know you, please let me know if I offend you. K? 7:07 PM
oh I'm ok... 7:08 PM
so were you born and raised in Houston or did you move to the US at a young age? 7:08 PM
Born in Chicago, then moved to Greece for 5 years, then to Houston. Been here ever since. Houston is no bueno 7:09 PM
ok so back to the emotionally unavailable thing? 7:11 PM
ME distracted again. Like the last guy I was seeing. He and I were friends for a few years and he would always make passes at me but we were just friends. He told me all along he's not looking for a relationship. Not sure how but there we were in it and he was always very closed off to me. He was selfish and in truth, I didn't get much from the 'relationship.' Knowing he's not looking for a relationship and not into me and me still getting involved = me picking emotionally unavailable men. 7:16 PM
Does that kind of make sense? 7:17 PM
a little 7:17 PM
sounds like he just didn't express his emotions well 7:18 PM
and you wanted a man that could express them well...or "make them available" 7:18 PM
Emotionally unavailable - usually refers to those who create barriers between themselves and others in an effort to avoid emotional intimacy.
I googled it. lol 7:19 PM
that's about 80 percent of men right? 7:20 PM
LMAO! Go my gosh...that is too funny. Well then, I'm screwed. 7:20 PM
I'm just asking....let me tell you 7:21 PM
we men do have emotions stirring up inside of us 7:21 PM
but often do not know how to share them especially if we didn't grow up expressing them. 7:22 PM
science will make it seem like we intentionally just block everything out and its not like that 7:22 PM
we are made as protectors and providers and that is our instinct to do those types of things 7:22 PM
so the things that women think about we don't think about those things 7:23 PM
or shouldn't say that 7:23 PM
the priority isn't the same 7:23 PM
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